- Learn to cook Thai in Chiang Mai
- Go along to the market to buy groceries
- Learn the tricks of a real Thai chef
- And feast on your self-made dishes
Of all the charms Thailand has, its fantastic cuisine is one of the most enticing. It is not one of the most famous in the world for nothing. The variety of flavours and dishes is so great that even culinary enthusiasts who have lived there for years are still regularly surprised.
How much fun wouldn't it be to learn a few secrets of this cuisine yourself from a Thai chef. On this cooking class, before you get started, you will first go along to the market to buy the most important ingredients. This way, you will immediately learn what to look out for when buying Thai fruit and vegetables.
Then you will go into the kitchen where you will learn step by step how to cook several well-known Thai and Northern Thai specialities (dishes in this region are slightly less spicy). Of course, you will taste your dishes (and those of your fellow students) to conclude this appetising day.
We will pick you up at your hotel and bring you back after the cooking class.
Persons | Starting price per adult |
2 persons | ฿ 1450 |
3 persons | ฿ 1450 |
4 persons | ฿ 1450 |
5 persons | ฿ 1450 |
6+ persons | ฿ 1450 |
- Lunch of self-made dishes
- Soft drink
- English-speaking chef
- Transport from your hotel to the course and back
- Personal expenses
- Tip
Prices mentioned valid for departure between 12-09-2023 and 12-09-2024.
Price for children (between 3 and 11 years old) and babies (younger than 3) can vary. Calculate your price below.